Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Random spring pictures

The front yard about a month ago: a cherry, miniature maple, dogwood and red bud makes a pretty spring scene. The neighbors refer to the Norwegian flag as the "drinking flag", we're not sure how that came about...
OK, an anecdote of bad parenting and redemption:
We forgot to arrange for a tooth fairy visit after Cecilie lost her first tooth, she didn't mention a word about it to us, and had we not found this note under her pillow when we tucked her in the night after we might have our first child in therapy about now... it all ended with a midnight hunt for spare change and a stroke of genius involving a silk bag and a liberal sprinkling of fairy dust - the tooth fairy is off the hook, for now...
Grandpa on a nocturnal walk with a not-sleepy-at-all Annika. It's an old trick we picked up in England many years ago, but when it is a once-in-four-months incident rather than once a night, it is novel enough for a photograph...
The new wheels. RIP Torbjorn's first Execu-mobile, the Great Golden Saturn.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

How guilt-inducing is that note! Lucky you found it. Poor little nipper!

I am dreading the whole losing of teeth extravaganza. My recurring nightmare is one in which all of my own teeth are loose or falling out--I am NOT going to enjoy it when Scarlett starts showing me wobbly chompers.

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