Tuesday, September 8, 2009

At Grandma and Grandpa's

We call it the Riviera, well at least it is south of here.....and the parks have teeny tiny trains that carry people around for a penny...
...and what glorious people...
...it really is sweet (Kirsten used to ride this train as a kid with her grandpa)...
How can you not feel like a movie star....
or a dashing Valentino to the rescue...
...or a super hero...
...open top vehicles abound...
...even sherpas if you're super sweet...
...and the valets...
...oh the valets... (see how we worked the new debt car in there???)
But even in the Riviera the day must come to an end, and the teeth must get clean.


hezro said...

Wow - check out the new wheels! Very nice! Do you love it?!

kirsten said...

Heather I DO love it. Ridiculously easy to get the kiddos in & out, and very nice to drive too. (Although really, it could be almost any car & be nicer to drive than a '98 Explorer)

I'm still getting heart palpitations over paying that much for a car, but maybe in um.... FIVE YEARS or so I'll get over it. ;)

L-A said...

Well it IS a nice vehicle, all sleek and shiny in the sun like that. And after 11 years with your old SUV I think you deserve a splurge!

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