Sunday, January 10, 2010

Annika Goes Large

Our house is a total shambles. Open IKEA boxes all over, mattresses on the front porch and in the upstairs hallways, and Torbjorn in the midst of it all, up to his ears in laminated MDF.

Big changes afoot in the Yellow House: Baby Annika's gotten herself an Official Big Girl Bed.

So yeah, of course there is that draft post in the folder all about how we finally moved the girls in together, way back in October - October!! - and how we'd shoehorned all the furniture in to make a very sweet room.

A dresser for the girls to share

Cecilie's bed, under the window 'for dreaming,' as requested

Annika's crib (for memories' sake)

But even as we spent an entire Saturday reorganizing the kids' rooms, we knew that in a short time we'd hit the big TWO YEAR milestone, and a short time after that we'd be looking to put the Smallest Nilsen of All into a big girl bed.

This weekend was that moment.

Maybe some kids stay in cribs until they're five or six.  I don't know.  Sadly, Nilsen kids come in the Rather Large variety, which limits their stay in the four-walled sort of bed.  Cecilie made her big transition soon after her 2nd birthday, and poor Lars had to switch into his 3 months before he turned two, just because I'd gotten a deal on a twin bed and had no space to store it.

So Annika's happily ensconced in her IKEA Hemnes daybed tonight.  (We, I mean, Torbjorn finished building it so late we didn't get any photo ops. Tomorrow, I promise.)

I have my doubts that on the first morning of Big Bed Life she'll do what Cecilie did -  surround herself with stuffed animals and begin telling them the story of how once upon a time, a very big girl got herself a very big bed... but I do know that she is thrilled to be in the Big Leagues.


Cheryl said...

Congrats! Sawyer was 19 months (had to vacate the crib for his soon-to-arrive baby sister) and Sage was over three. By the way, that room is gorgeous! Sage's room always looks like a tornado hit it: dress up stuff, books, dolls - no matter what baskets and stuff she has, everything still ends up on the floor!

kirsten said...

yeah, there is that whole sibling-coming-next motivation as well. But Annika didn't have that - she just plain got too big. (Oh, and the room is so neat b/c I'd just reorganized & the kids weren't home yet. It's never looked like that since.)

Lori-Anne said...

And while Annika was graduating to her own Big Girl bed, Amelie made the transition from Moses basket in our room to Real Crib in her "Own" room. Sadly, the word "own" is forced into quotations because aside from her crib, the room is full of office carnage, stashed toys of Oliver's that have been only semi-culled, and misc. junk that has no other place to reside so it ends up here. Wish I could hire you to make it look Just. Like. That.

Betsy said...

My kids would still be in cribs if I could have it that way!

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