Sunday, February 12, 2006

The snow came down...

Oh, we've got tons of it... 14 inches, or 35 cm if you like it better that way. I realize it's not SO impressive to the Norwegians among you, but it is the most snow the Nilsen family as seen in 10 years!

It has brought Washington to a standstill. 70,000 are without electricity in Maryland (we've got it...), and they still haven't gotten around to plow the street outside so we are housebound, except grandpa who's been around the neighborhood looking for good Samaritan opportunities in his truck - he found a plenty!

And the kids are loving it, Cecilie is going down the hills on her christmas present inner tube with a wheeeeeeee, and Lars is jumping up and down with joy! (at least doing jumping motions...) We might even get to keep it for a couple of days, a truly blessed Sunday.

1 comment:

eileen said...

It even made the news in the UK! Nice one.

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